The Deal Coin For a better future


It's no secret that a huge number of organizations, no matter whether large or small enterprises, sooner or later face financial problems. For the development of a full-fledged business, let us assume the purchase of equipment, the delivery, more often than not, costs are needed.
Quite common solutions in our time are short-term and long-term loans. But here there are some kind of problems. In some countries, a lot of enterprises are limited in financing, even at the expense of loans, since interest rates on them may exceed the expected profit. In Russia, the loan rates can reach up to 30%, which means that you simply give one-third of the money taken to pay interest, unlike foreign creditors, whose rates range from 2 to 5%. And this is not all that hinders the development of a business, even if you find a bet at a good interest, then the process of issuing a loan can be postponed for an indefinite period that varies from a few weeks to several months.

In addition, if you are not a resident of the country where you are going to take a loan, then you simply can not refuse to receive it.
It is for this reason that to solve such important problems of the world economy, The Deal Coin plans to create a completely new credit platform by grouping borrowers and lenders in one ecosystem.

About The Deal Coin

The Deal Coin This is a platform based on a fairly large brokers from Britain, "We Fund Any Deal".
The platform will implement p2p lending through blockchain technology. If we consider the total declared volume of loans, then it is $ 13.2 billion. With this volume, the company can take a leading position in the credit sector.

The Deal Coin Project - This is a platform for sponsoring small and medium-sized businesses. The main advantage is the creation and application of a decentralized platform that allows to work directly with each of the investors and ready to approve and support any projects.

The Dea lCoin will allow you to obtain the necessary funds for your business or needs with a minimum commission and also in the shortest possible time. the interest rate will be formed from the calculation of how much the solvent enterprise. and absolutely not important is the territorial affiliation. There is no need to make deals in the bank, stand in lines, and worry about whether you get a positive answer, just have a phone, access to the Internet and have a registration on the platform of The Deal Coin.

Security in our time is a fundamental factor for many. In this regard, blocking technology will ensure the inviolability and safety of your funds. Nobody can erase or change your transactions, blocking technology will ensure transparency and confidentiality of data.

Due to the fact that the entire transaction process will be carried out through a smart contract, there will always be an opportunity to audit and eliminate the risk of any kind of fraud.

Description of Token

In the ecosystem there will be several concepts related to the functionality of the token. First Deal Token -Will be the national currency of the platform. In order to provide loans on the platform, it will be necessary to have an equivalent amount of the loan in tokens, in which, by the way, interest will be paid on loans. To prevent mass speculation, the token will be tied to one of the less volatile currencies - the British pound GBP In an equivalent ratio of 1: 1.
The second Deal Coin will be the foreign currency planned to launch trading on the exchanges. which will be freely traded on exchanges. in addition, the use of Token for the purchase of exchange Coin will be more profitable than raising money through other alternative currencies.

Conditions of ICO

The ICO will begin in March. For all ICO participants, the company has provided a bonus in percentage terms from the enclosed amount of about 20%, the bonus will decrease as the ICO expires. 30% of the collected funds are planned to spend on marketing.
  • Name of the token: Deal
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • Standard: ERC827
  • Total number of coins: 1 000 000 000
  • The price of one coin: 0, 1 $
  • Softcap: $ 5,000,000
  • Hardcap: $ 50,000,000

More details about the project and the terms of participation can be found on the links below:

my eth: 0xB62D8A32653B27aca79bF18dC1C61c7fE58A199b


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